Flourishing Library

Welcome to our Flourishing Library—a collection of scholarly works, research papers, and insightful publications dedicated to the exploration of human flourishing.

Best, J. A. (2016). "The Things We Have Lost." JAMA 316(18): 1871-1872.

Brown, M. E. L. and L. Younie (2022). "How creative enquiry can help educators develop learners' person-centredness." Med Educ 56(6): 599-601.

Broyard, A. (1992). Intoxicated by my illness. New York, Ballantine Books.

Carel, H. and J. Macnaughton (2012). ""How do you feel?": oscillating perspectives in the clinic." Lancet 379(9834): 2334-2335.

Charon, R. (2006). Narrative Medicine, Honouring the Stories of Illness. New York, Oxford University Press.

Coulehan, J. (2017). "Negative Capability and the Art of Medicine." JAMA 318(24): 2429-2430.

Cribb, A. and S. Bignold (1999). "Towards the reflexive medical school: The hidden curriculum and medical education research." Studies in Higher Education 24: 195-209.

DasGupta, S. (2008). "Narrative Humility." The Lancet 371(9617): 980-981.

Eisner, E. (2002). The Arts and the Creation of Mind. Virginia, R.R. Donnelley & Sons.

Frank, A. W. (1995). The wounded storyteller: body, illness, and ethics. Chicago, IL, University of Chicago Press.

Gothill, M. and D. Armstrong (1999). "Dr. No-body: The Construction of the Doctor as an Embodied Subject in British General Practice 1955–97." Sociology of Health & Illness 21(1): 1-12.

Haidet, P. (2007). "Jazz and the 'Art' of Medicine: Improvisation in the Medical Encounter." Annals of Family Medicine 5(2): 164-169.

Haidet, P., J. Jarecke, N. E. Adams, H. L. Stuckey, M. J. Green, D. Shapiro, C. R. Teal and D. R. Wolpaw (2016). "A guiding framework to maximise the power of the arts in medical education: a systematic review and metasynthesis." Med Educ 50(3): 320-331.

Kumagai, A. K. (2012). "Perspective: Acts of Interpretation: A Philosophical Approach to Using Creative Arts in Medical Education." Academic Medicine 87(8): 1138-1144.

Kumagai, A. K. and T. Naidu (2020). "On Time and Tea Bags: Chronos, Kairos, and Teaching for Humanistic Practice." Acad Med 95(4): 512-517.

Kuper, A. (2007). "The intersubjective and the intrasubjective in the patient–physician dyad: implications for medical humanities education." Medical Humanities 33(2): 75-80.

Launer, J. (2003). "Coda, All Greek to me." QJM 96: 387-388.

Launer, J. (2009). "Medically Unexplored Stories." Postgrad Med J 85: 503-504.

Nachmanovitch, S. (1990). Free Play; Improvisation in Life and Art. New York, Penguin Putnam Inc.

Polanyi, M. (1967). The Tacit Dimension. New York, Anchor Books.

Polkinghorne, D., E. (1988). Narrative knowing and the human sciences. New York, State University of New York.

Van der Kolk, B. (2014). The Body Keeps the Score. Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma. USA, Viking Penguin.

Willen, S. S., N. Selim, E. Mendenhall, M. M. Lopez, S. A. Chowdhury and H. Dilger (2021). "Flourishing: migration and health in social context." BMJ Glob Health 6(Suppl 1).

Willen, S. S., A. F. Williamson, C. C. Walsh, M. Hyman and W. Tootle (2022). "Rethinking flourishing: Critical insights and qualitative perspectives from the U.S. Midwest." SSM - Mental Health 2: 100057.

Younie, L. (2016). "Vulnerable leadership." London J Prim Care (Abingdon) 8(3): 37-38.

Younie, L. (2021). What does creative enquiry have to contribute to flourishing in medical education? The mental health and wellbeing of healthcare practitioners: research and practice. E. Murray and J. Brown, Wiley-Blackwell: 14-27.